“The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven..”

We are so in tune with the evil and the monstrosity of this world aren’t we?

Every day we are surrounded and emerged into the evil of this world simply because that is what is considered “breaking news.” We lose our faith in humanity out of sheer ignorance of the good that is done every day. But the good, the humanity of our world is never plastered all over our televisions because the good is simply not newsworthy. Perhaps I am exaggerating and perhaps good news is seen on television, but how often is it discussed for longer then a day? Or even a week? How long does it reside in us that there is a majority good until the next inhuman thing happens and we all go back to thinking the worst in each other? We simply let go of the good in humanity and become so involved in the bad.

Every awful event is in some way surrounded by a good force of people either trying to turn the situation around or even risking their lives to save others. But those people are somehow forgotten by the general public and the evilness is emphasized. Then all of humanity begins to state that their faith in humanity is gone and that we are an evil race seemingly because their focus is on what is emphasized on the news.

We are so drawn to social media that simple wording can influence someone.

There will always be a good majority and unfortunately, there will also always exist a bad minority, but we must stray from giving the minority the power to influence us. We must glorify the good rather then emphasizing the bad simply so we do not loss sight of it. If we lose hope in each other, we lose hope for the future. We must consider that one person can have 10 victims and we must focus on the good of the victims and begin to understand that those people were the good minority and the evil was simply standing alone.

The good majority is the human majority and we must embrace this notion before we begin to lose hope for our future and the future of our humanity.

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